Friday, October 5, 2012

rashes left unnoticed.

about 4 weeks ago i noticed a red, unraised rash area under my left breast.  it was oval shaped, didnt itch, wasnt scaly, and looked just like some type of contact rash.  i figured it was from a bra that irritated the skin.  i left it alone, thinking it would go away... a week or so later, it was still there, and along side of it was another few oval shaped spots... again, no symptoms, so i left it alone.  last week i noticed my entire trunk was covered with these spots.  my back, my abdomen, my flank, and above my butt.  i then finally decided then it was time to get it looked at.  i spoke with a PA friend of mine at work who used to work for a dermatologist office, she thought it was ringworm... so she prescribed me a cream, i got it right away and applied.  where the heck did i get ringworm and why doesnt it itch were my first thoughts.  how can it be i've had this for almost 4 weeks and no one else in the house has come down with spots as ringworm is super contagious.  

at the same time, i've also been battling a sinus infection for about 3 to 4 weeks now.  started off typical for me, stuffy nose, discharge, no symptoms otherwise, no fever, or sore throat.  it then settled into my chest after three weeks and i decided to go to the MD for treatment.  while there, i had her look at my rash.  come to find out, its not ringworm, but a viral rash called pityriasis rosea.   this rash is caused by a virus, typically comes on after the onset of a cold, and takes 6 weeks to 6 months to go away.  there is no treatment.  generally occurs once in life and hits people aged 10-35.  go figure.  no long term sequelae, however, one of the biggest side effects is chronic fatigue syndrome.  i had noticed about a month ago that i had lost any interest of doing much besides lounging and watching movies.  i slept a lot... now i know why.  this rash has halted any desire to lose weight, exercise or socialize with the outside world.  

its been pretty miserable dealing with a sinus infection, the daily stressors of a full time career, a hectic kid schedule and the fatigue associated with this rash.  somedays it overwhelms me.  this week alone i have been leaving work as early as i can, just to come home to rest.  some days are better than others.  today i feel good... tomorrow, well, we will see then.  

i wish life wasnt so difficult and i could just get a break....  

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