Noun: |
The faculty or activity of imagining things that are impossible or improbable. |
fantasies.... they dont come true right? when i was younger, i had a fantasy that i would be the thin, popular girl. i also had the fantasy of owning a unicorn... it never happened, neither of them. rather i hung out with people who cared about me, people from all walks of life, of all styles, they were those who i could confide in, those whom i knew would be there through thick and through thin. so was the fantasy of being the popular girl better than reality? i dont think so. not in that case. what i had were friends who i knew respected me, cared for me, and loved me. that was better than any fantasy could be or ever have been.
flash forward to now... this blog isnt exactly about the past, even though that may come up sometime... its about my journey into the life of S/m, D/s. so lets talk about THOSE fantasies.

- fantasy #1: one of pursuit, take down and capture. you know... the one where im at some public place, i get a whisper in my ear that im being followed and that i am to go directly to "x" place... at which point i am forced against my will to do things that i wouldnt dream of. until finally i give in....
- fantasy #2: given instruction by someone to be naked, sitting in a chair, place my own blindfold, and wait there... at which point someone comes, tightens the blindfold, binds me to the chair, places ear plugs. i have no clue what's going on... who's there... but i feel hands, several sets of hands, touching... and i havnent a clue who they belong to. delightfully tortured for a time unknown to me... to have my blindfold removed, the binding undone and to see only my beloved girlfriend in front of me smiling. i ask a million questions and get no answer... never knowing who was there.
- fantasy #3: hiking, nice picnic, waterfalls, fall leaves, amazing bondage, to a tree... fearful that someone may come by... taken advantage of in delightful ways. grins.
- fantasy #4: watching my girlfriend be delightfully tortured by a person of her choice... only coming to "play" when requested.
okay... so that's enough for now. but again... lets look at the definition of fantasy....
Noun: |
The faculty or activity of imagining things that are impossible or improbable.
So if i cant have my unicorn, the rest cannot come true either... can it?
ive got to say...i love your fantasies. they are very, very erotic. how did you get into bondage if you dont mind me asking....
its always been an interest... its only been the last year that i've felt free enough to experience this feeling... i'd never go back.